Every year at GDC, there will always be a few techs or products that will have more recognition among many others. This year’s GDC, one of those techs is surely the new Nvidia GTX Titan X, also said to be the most advanced GPU ever built.
During the annual Game Developers Conference 2015, an extraordinary VR experience inspired by ‘The Hobbit’ called “Thief in the Shadows” by Weta Digital was revealed. But due to its epic and power-hungry design, it is said that there were no GPU currently available to power this experience.
That was until Nvidia’s CEO and President, Jen-Hsun, showed up with its latest GPU, the GeForce GTX Titan X.
What to Expect from Nvidia’s GTX Titan X
Claimed to be “the most advanced GPU the world has ever seen” by Jen-Hsun, the new GPU from Nvidia is packed with 8 billion transistors together with a 12GB DDR5 Memory. While we still do not know yet the full specs of this monster GPU, we do know that it surpasses one of Nvidia’s fastest and most powerful single-GPU Maxwell graphics card today, the GTX 980, having only 5.2 billion transistors and 4GB of VRAM.
The GTX Titan X is believed to continue using the blower-type dual-slot cooler same as its predecessor, the GTX Titan, and is expected to be quiet and efficient. It is also said that it’ll be having one 6-pin PCIe and one 8-pin PCIe auxiliary power connections and has three DisplayPort. While there are no full details yet, we can only hope to hear more this coming GPU Tech Conference this coming March 17-20.
Tested and True
During the GDC VR experience “Thief of the Shadows” that was run by Oculus’ “Crescent Bay” prototype, the GTX Titan X delivered a fulfilling 90 frames per second smoothly. It also showed off its capabilities with Epic’s Unreal Engine 4 with a demo.
“When you come face-to-face with an enormous dragon, that experience has to be believable, visceral and emotional. NVIDIA’s new TITAN X GPUs provide the platform to deliver exactly that.” – Alasdair Coull, head of R&D at Weta Digital
You got to admit, this new GTX Titan X is pretty powerful surpassing the GTX 980 by a mile. But with power comes a price and with GTX Titan X, it is rumored to come in at $1,349.00. Hopefully, AMD will release its own beast-of-a-card and maybe, just maybe Nvidia will think about lowering the retail price, but until AMD do that – Nvidia is going to be raking in some serious profits.
12GB of memory…8 billion transistors???? Holy balls! Has there ever been such a leap from the current GPU flagship such as this? I think not. I’ll be buying 2 for SLI #NotAChanceInHell #OnlyInMyWetDreams