
Top 10 Games on Steam Winter Sale

by Andy Cresswell -
Top 10 Games on Steam Winter Sale

PC gamers flock to Steam in the holiday season, to pick up on some of the best game deals on the market. The Steam Winter Sale is notoriously good for providing quality games at a top price, and here is our top ten picks.

10. Divinity: Original Sin (20% off)

Not the largest drop on the Steam Winter Sale, but worth every penny. Divinity: Original Sin is one of the only fantasy co-op games to blend in duo-play so superbly, offering hundreds of hours of content for players to enjoy with friends.

9. Alien: Isolation (50% off)

After the failures of previous Alien titles, there was not a huge amount of hope for Alien: Isolation, however, it pulled through with an interesting campaign and rather intense stalking sequences.

8. The Wolf Among Us (75% off)

A Telltale classic, The Wolf Among Us provides the story and characters to make this a series to remember. All five are available in the bundle. It is the best time to pick up The Wolf Among Us and try Telltale’s second adventure.

7. Hotline Miami (75% off)

Recommended for players who enjoy a challenge. Hotline Miami has a retro top-down design—with a new gun and melee mechanics—making it an excellent pick-up for fans of the old fighting style with new mechanics.

6. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (80% off)

One of the only games to successfully incorporate the thumb-stick and design a mechanic specifically for the use of a controller. Brothers have been labelled as one of the must play’s of this year, by several critics.

5. Prison Architect (80% off)

The context might seem a bit odd, but think of it as a city builder with more active operations. Prison Architect is a fun concept and players will be able to lose hundreds of hours of time playing the game over and over again.

4. Valve Complete Pack (75% off)

Normally £75.99, Valve is now offering all of its games for 7% off on the store. The games include Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, Portal and other favourites from the owners of Steam.

3. Portal Bundle Pack (80% off)

Portal is a fan favourite for puzzle platformers and has grown out of the genre with its unique level design. The Portal pack will come with the first and second instalment of Portal, and costs less than both put together.

2. Europa Universalis IV Collection (75% off)

Quite the collection of DLC for Europa Universalis IV, allowing new players to buy all of the maps and add-ons, available to veteran players for the past few months. Europa Universalis has been trying to compete with Rome 2 and Civilisation 5.

1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Legendary Edition (66% off)

Still, one of the best games on PC, offering hundreds of hours of content and the Legendary Edition gives the player, even more, to try out. The developer community is still extremely active and building new things for Skyrim, it is all around a great game to own.

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Andy Cresswell

PerformancePSU Editor

Andy is the Founder & Editor of PerformancePSU with over 25 years of experience building custom PCs, watercooling and overclocking. When his thirst for more speed is under control, he is a programmer and father of one.
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